Quotes Creator has collection of 10000+ quotes with 100+ category. So you can find variety of quotes into different category. Now write text on photo using our quotes creator! You can save the quote design template that you have made by customizing. You can later change the text and create images from that template and use them for your social network like facebook, twitter, instagram, etc.Create quotes on your photosWe also categories quotes in the app, you can copy and share this quote with your friends and family. You can also create Quote Image with this quote using our Quotes Creator studio.We added a new feature to this quote generator app. We added many new fonts(50+) and backgrounds(80+) to the app. You need not to download these fonts and backgrounds to use them in your quote its available offline so you can use offline quotes creator. We also add many new fonts and background at regular interval so you can use them to write your quotes.You can add following things to your Square Quote Image- Text: You can add text with 50+ different types of fonts for different kind of quotes and occasions. You can also add background color to font, add/change size and shadow to your text. You can also change font color and alignment with gradient color to your text.- Image: You can also add image from your gallery to your quote. This helps in many case like, you can add your logo to the quote, add watermark to your quote or add instagram twitter handle to the quote.Write text on images with Quotes CreatorThis app is best app to create instaquote. It allows you to create an image with quote written on it. So you can add more than one text to the background image, you can add other images to the background image.You can also change the background of the quote. This app has some of the great background that suits your quote. You can also add your own background from gallery. We also added many new categories background for different kind of quotes like business, Christmas, Happy New Year, creative writing, for love quotes, nature and some miscellaneous background. We also add few plain background for simple quotes and few background with different pattern texture.You can change the appearances of the text and image that you added to the quote. You can change text color or change its font style.Quotes without watermark- No More watermark any more, Make Quotes with out water mark.- Best collections of background without any watermark or text.- Share your creation as text or Image on a popular social media like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Whatsapp or other apps with no watermark.We made this app specially for the people who creates their own quotes. People with lot of imagination and creativity can just download the app and start creating their quotes. We made it simple for them so they dont need to worry about creating great quote.Wed love to hear from you!
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